Do you believe in the power of the full moon?

I’ve been hearing about the power of the full moon for years. Heightened intuition and increased sensitivity are among the most common feelings. It made me wonder—is there actual scientific evidence to support this? What I found were some pretty compelling theories to support the powers of the full moon.

Theory one explores Earth’s gravitational pull. During the full moon, the gravitational pull can affect the water in our bodies, the same way it affects the tides of the ocean. Our bodies are composed of 60% water, so it’s possible that the moon’s gravity could have a subtle effect on our bodies, including our nervous system.

Theory two explores the brightness of the full moon and the pineal gland. The pineal gland lives in our brain and regulates the sleep-wake cycle and produces melatonin. The brightness of the full moon can stimulate the pineal gland. The pineal gland is also associated with spiritual experiences, so it is possible that the full moon’s light could enhance our sensitivity to your full moon experience.

Everyone’s experience is different and your experience with the full moon can depend on a variety of individual factors including your personal beliefs, experiences, and mindset. While some may experience heightened intuition, others may experience heightened creativity or sensitivity.

During a full moon, it is believed by many that our intuition and inner wisdom is at its peak, making it the perfect time for meditation and journaling. Whether you believe in the idea or not, it can still be a useful reminder to take time for self-reflection and inner work. By tuning into our inner wisdom and intuition, we can cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness, purpose, and fulfillment in our lives.


Experience the power of the full moon first-hand at our Full Moon Circle on June 4, 2023 from 7:30-8:30pm. Align with the full moon with: 

• A sound bath and guided meditation to align with the themes of this month’s full moon and provide illumination and clarity

• Breathwork, a special practice for each month’s unique theme to release blocks and provide your own unique path forward

• Journaling

• Sharing in circle because when we gather and transform together, our efforts are amplified


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